Double Explosure Review
“Is this the path to Eden?” - Johnathan Tang
Double Exposure is an adventure for 2nd Edition Shadowrun. It is a very story heavy adventure that brings characters in a really unique situation that I haven’t seen in many other adventures. This adventure will put the player characters right in the middle of a new sprung up commune in the barons. What’s even wilder? This organization even seems to be actually growing sustainable food crops. They are accepting anyone with a pulse that wants a better life and is willing to work for it. Sounds too good to be true? Yeah, its Shadowrun baby, of course its fucked.
New Years Goals 2025
Greetings Shadowpunks!
With last year behind us, I look forward to what will come in the future. This year I hope to finish two new tools for the site: Weapon Designer and Vehicle Designer. These will more than likely take at least 3 or 4 months each (Though the vehicle one will take something really special to finish in that time). My hope is always to allow players more control over their characters and to give GMs the tools to be able to create custom things quickly and easily. I hope these will continue to help people make great games!
Total Eclipse Review
Before we dive in! I wrote another section of my adventure: Protect and Serve.
Music in the 80s was a bit more defining than today (Though Taylor Swift has definitely revived some of the old feelings of hardcore allegiance to a band or musician). Who you listened to and who you repped told you a lot about someone and in general I feel it had a lot more of a cultural impact than it does today. Clothing brands, commercials and like really strove to grab up bands for their products and in some ways it felt like they were larger and more important than even actors in their given time. Often whole movies would be scored by a single band to lend their kind of flavor to a piece. It really held serious weight. Movies like The Crow (The Cure) and Donnie Darko (which is a 00s movie, but was set in the 1980s and had the same done for it as other 80s movies by the Tears for Fears). Music from these movies and their scores really hit home.
Decker Problems and How to Solve Them
One of the most common problems new GMs (And old for that matter) is running the Matrix for their players. In every edition of Shadowrun, the matrix has been a pivotal part of the game. It makes sense in the larger picture, Gibson’s Neuromancer (Which you absolutely NEED to read if your running Shadowrun or Cyberpunk! [Hardcover or Sprawl Trilogy (Plus Burning Chrome) - Good Christmas Gifts!] gives us the first console cowboy and we have been seeking that experience every since.
Silver Angel Review
Silver Angel was the first published Adventure for Shadowrun. It was paired with the original Game Master’s screen for 1st Edition Shadowrun. What’s interesting is that it also came with standees (cardboard cutouts that you could use to show placement of characters and NPCs) which we wouldn’t see again until DMZ was released. These paired excellently with the Sprawl Maps.
This adventure is pretty short, but you can see the gritty bones of what would become the Shadowrun we all know and love.The story includes a dynamic cast of interesting street level people including a ripper jack and a dancer. As well, it is positively dripping with atmosphere. Tom Dowd laid some beautiful writing down on these pages. A line really sums up Shadowrun perfectly.
Queen Euphoria Review Notes
It seems I am often drawn to Shadowrun adventures with famous characters in the fiction of the world. Starting with Dark Angel and now moving onto Queen Euphoria, there is something special about the world that was written in those first few adventures of Shadowrun.
Queen Euphoria is one of the classic adventures that in general is one of the few truly horror based adventures in Shadowrun. Given there are always horror elements in all adventures in Shadowrun. The Dystopian world that our characters live in brings about some amount of horror in general. However, there are some special things that only Shadowrun can bring to bear. This is the first taste of real true horror (Though I think it’s been blunted by some design decisions i’ll talk about in the spoilers section). I think this had a kind of success with the players that the designers had not expected and then they began to do it quite a bit more.
Borrowing Rules for Better Games
A lot of tabletops have attempts to make the perfect system. This of course has lent to tons of iterations of different ways of rolling dice, creating statistics and skill tests. This however has the amazing byproduct of creating some mechanics that are system agnostic that you can use to make your games more exciting and more interesting regardless of the game you are running. Here are 6 examples from games that are near and dear to my heart. As a collector I tend to play a lot of different games and have enjoyed learning new systems. Hopefully you can find something worthwhile to use in your game!
Gamehole Con Review
Cons and I have a kind of strange relationship. In general, I absolutely love meeting people but I get very concerned with large crowds. So Gamehole turned out to be just about the perfect size for me. Plenty of people but easy enough to walk around without having to struggle through a crowd. One of the main concerns with a “smaller con” is that its harder to get big names to show up to the cons. Gamehole Con doesn’t have that problem at all. People from all over the country flew into Madison for the event!
Anchoring Foci and Spells and Why You Should Be Using Them More Often
When we play games with magic often we look at it in the lens of our understanding most of us learned from games like Dungeons and Dragons. That is to say that magical people always go into combat with magical shields and energy blasts. Fireballs and Counterspells to keep yourself from getting fried. Shadowrun has a lot of this too, but there is more insidious magic that exists and it’s as old as the human race.
Fancy Program Name
Program Names for more immersion
I’ve always wanted to sit down and write down some fun program names for decking programs. Having programs with ratings is one of the things that made older editions of Shadowrun infinitely more fun.
This is an attempt to make something more interesting for folks. Let me know if this is something folks enjoy and if they would want more of them!
Analyze Program Suite
Rating | Name |
Rating 1 | Preliminary Scan Mk1 |
Rating 2 | Insight Probe V2 |
Rating 3 | DataSight Recon 3.0 |
Rating 4 | NeuraVision Quest IV |
Rating 5 | EchoLocator Sigma |
Rating 6 | Quantum Observer VI |
Rating 7 | Mystic Decoder VII |
Rating 8 | Renraku Scanner Octa 8 |
Rating 9 | Transys Apex Viewer IX |
Rating 10 | Fuchi Red Eye X |
Rating 11 | Omniscan XI |
Rating 12 | Mitsuhama Transcendence Viewer XII |
Browse Program Suite
Rating | Name |
Rating 1 | SearchLite Starter Mk1 |
Rating 2 | IndexSweeper Core Mk2 |
Rating 3 | QueryVortex 3.0 |
Rating 4 | EchoSeeker Pro IV |
Rating 5 | QuantumFilter Elite mk.5 |
Rating 6 | CyberSift 6 |
Rating 7 | MetaScan Ultra VII |
Rating 8 | Transys NexusProbe 8 |
Rating 9 | Ares InfiniSearch 9 |
Rating 10 | OmniQuery mk 10 |
Rating 11 | Golden Data Retriever v11 |
Rating 12 | Renraku DataRipper XII |
Commlink Program Suite
Rating | Name |
Rating 1 | SignalStarter Basic Mk1 |
Rating 2 | ISignalStarter Pro Mk2 |
Rating 3 | EchoTap 3.0 |
Rating 4 | StealthLink Pro IV |
Rating 5 | PhantomCall v5 |
Rating 6 | GhostWave Elite 6 |
Rating 7 | ShadowComm Master VII |
Rating 8 | SilentNode 8 |
Rating 9 | VaporSignal 9 |
Rating 10 | InvisiLink v10 |
Rating 11 | AetherNet v11 |
Rating 12 | Renraku QuantumConnect XII |
Deception Program Suite
Rating | Name |
Rating 1 | ImpostorCode Basic Mk1 |
Rating 2 | The Masquerade Mk2 |
Rating 3 | PhantomKey v3.1 |
Rating 4 | CryptoMimic Pro IV |
Rating 5 | ShadowPass v5 |
Rating 6 | FauxGate 6 |
Rating 7 | Master VII |
Rating 8 | “I Shall Pass” v8 |
Rating 9 | CipherClone 9 |
Rating 10 | MimeSlicer v10 |
Rating 11 | InfiniteFacade v11 |
Rating 12 | Transys Ethereal Key Forge XII |
Decrypt Program Suite
Rating | Name |
Rating 1 | LockSmasher v1 |
Rating 2 | KeyCruncher v2 |
Rating 3 | CodeShatter mk 3 |
Rating 4 | DataBreach Elite mk 4 |
Rating 5 | HashQuake v5 |
Rating 6 | InfiniteKey Solver mk 6 |
Rating 7 | Mitsuhama Omnihack 7 |
Rating 8 | CipherNihilist 8 |
Rating 9 | Gate Dissolver Edge v9 |
Rating 10 | CryptoFracture v10 |
Rating 11 | NullCipher v11 |
Rating 12 | QuantumDecipher 12 |
Rating | Name |
Rating 1 | ByteForge Basic 1 |
Rating 2 | FluxEncoder 2 |
Rating 3 | ScriptWelder v3 |
Rating 4 | NexusRewriter 4 |
Rating 5 | FileMorpher mk5 |
Rating 6 | StreamWeaver mk6 |
Rating 7 | FileFusion 7 |
Rating 8 | QuantumScribe 7 |
Rating 9 | CyberLoom 9 |
Rating 10 | ByteComposer v10 |
Rating 11 | BinaryAlchemist 11 |
Rating 12 | EtherTranscriber mk 12 |
Spoof Program Suite
Rating | Name |
Rating 1 | GhostCommander v1 |
Rating 2 | PhantomTrigger Pro mk2 |
Rating 3 | SignalMasque v3 |
Rating 4 | EtherWave Rider mk4 |
Rating 5 | John the Imposter 5 |
Rating 6 | Omnisend Omega 6 |
Rating 7 | MirageSender mk7 |
Rating 8 | Saeder-Krupp QuantumFacade mk8 |
Rating 9 | HoloFlux v9 |
Rating 10 | NebulaConduit v10 |
Rating 11 | Shiawase InfiniSynth Command mk 11 |
Rating 12 | Renraku Decree v12 |
Rating | Name |
Rating 1 | Ghost mk1 |
Rating 2 | Fade 2 |
Rating 3 | InvisaTrace mk3 |
Rating 4 | Phantom v4 |
Rating 5 | Virtual Obscura 5 |
Rating 6 | PhantomShroud 6 |
Rating 7 | WhisperWeave 7 |
Rating 8 | Null Aura 8 |
Rating 9 | ShadowVeil 9 |
Rating 10 | SilentSmoke v10 |
Rating 11 | Ares Silent Stride mk11 |
Rating 12 | Shiawase GhostNet 12 |