Tag: Adventure Reviews
Running Divided Assets in Cyberpunk Red
Most of you know me as someone who writes things for Shadowrun and Cyberpunk concepts in general. I currently am playing Cyberpunk Red just as often as playing Shadowrun 3rd edition. So I begin to see the tying threads between concepts and stories. A lot of stories in Shadowrun cannot be ported to Cyberpunk. The fantasy element is played pretty often in these stories, but every once in a while it’s left almost entirely out.
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Divided Assets Review
I know it’s been awhile folks! I’ve been busy writing Holostreets! Blood For Money and Blood on the Pavement. I am looking for people to review these in any capacity so if you are interested please reach out to me! Otherwise, lets get into Divided Assets!
Divided Assets is a Shadowrun adventure for 2nd Edition. The plot revolves around kidnapping and the ramifications of extractions on the family of those being extracted.
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Dark Angel Review
Dark Angel is a Shadowrun adventure for 2nd Edition. The plot revolves around recovering the original recordings from the Legendary Rocker, Dark Angel. Seems he killed himself (though it’s murky that anyone would set himself on fire as a way of going out) and some new kid suddenly showed up with recordings and signed contracts. This of course seems like the HOTTEST of Bull Drek that could be, because Angel swore he would never record them and sell out.
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Bottle Demon - Review and Tweaks
Overview: Bottled Demon is a Shadowrun adventure written for Shadowrun 1st Edition. The premise of the adventure revolved around a local fixer needing muscle to ensure a deal goes down nice and clean. What he has is worth some serious nuyen and he is willing to pay out a good deal of cred to make sure he is safe while finding a buyer.
This is a very magic heavy adventure with room for almost nothing else.
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Running Divided Assets in Cyberpunk Red
Most of you know me as someone who writes things for Shadowrun and Cyberpunk concepts in general. I currently am playing Cyberpunk Red just as often as playing Shadowrun 3rd edition. So I begin to see the tying threads between concepts and stories. A lot of stories in Shadowrun cannot be ported to Cyberpunk. The fantasy element is played pretty often in these stories, but every once in a while it’s left almost entirely out.
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Running Divided Assets in Cyberpunk Red
Most of you know me as someone who writes things for Shadowrun and Cyberpunk concepts in general. I currently am playing Cyberpunk Red just as often as playing Shadowrun 3rd edition. So I begin to see the tying threads between concepts and stories. A lot of stories in Shadowrun cannot be ported to Cyberpunk. The fantasy element is played pretty often in these stories, but every once in a while it’s left almost entirely out.
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Vtt Maps and Shadowrun Info
After doing some digging and trying to find some good resources for VTT maps (A question that I see gets posted all over the place). I also needed a bit of a lighter post as I finish up the final touches on “Blood On the Pavement”, my next release for the Lonestar Stories first season. This should be available soon! Please take a look at my first releases: Blood For Money!
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Magical Traditions Part 3 Santeria
Books/Sites Used in this article. Magic In The Shadows SR3 Core aboutsanteria.com - Vocab For Santeria Images are used from Creative Common Licenses. As we forge ahead in new paths of magic in the world we come to another tradition that fall outside of the UCAS and CAS control for the majority of their practitioners. Yoruba in this cases. This faith has similar bone structures of Voodoo and Palo Mayombe. With powerful spirits being called to in order to effect change and offerings to be left and honor to be given.
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Cyberpunk Stl Files for Props
STL Files for Shadowrun and Cyberpunk (Red or otherwise)
So my table is pretty extreme when it comes to making props and cityscapes. We just love being drawn in by massive 3d print builds and honestly, once you know where to look, it mostly comes down to time. The cost of these things is pretty tiny in the long run. $100 of filament can go a LONG freaking way.
So I wanted to put together a list of stuff we used to print out the mega city that we play in.
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What Shadowrun Edition Should I Choose
One of the most common questions we get on the various Shadowrun Subreddits is what edition is right for me and my group? Think is unfortunately always answered with the obvious “It depends”. I’m going to hopefully lay out all the information to make the choice for you and your group. Each edition has a lot to offer and gives a completely different feel to your game. Let’s see where your group falls.
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Unusual Rewards for Shadowruns
Books Used in this article. SR3 Core Mr. Johnson’s Little Black Book Shadowrun is a game about high risk and high rewards. Too often we however only see rewards of nuyen. Some Gamemasters stretch their legs and add in things like extra contacts or some exotic ammos, but when was the last time you had something like a program, spell or exotic material for resale? Each of those rewards can lead to more stories and more stories is ALWAYS better!
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Spells - Buying, Learning and Forms
Books Useful for this article. Magic In The Shadows SR3 Core Street Wyld One of the things a lot of people may overlook in Shadowrun is how spells are purchased/learned in game. I think it’s very important to understand that mages and shamans need to get access to either teachers or buying formulas. This can also be an excellent opportunity to bring in new NPCs and teachers. In most games I see a lot of people just spend the karma and poof!
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Magical Traditions in Your Game: Part 2
Books Used in this article. Magic In The Shadows SR3 Core As my introduction to magical traditions seems to have gathered a good deal of attention, I thought I would continue on with this. As always, if people have specific things they want covered, please send me an email, or reach out to me on Discord, and I’ll be more than happy to sit down and write something up for you.
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Magical Traditions in Your Game: Part 1
Books Used in this article. Magic In The Shadows SR3 Core I’ve always been drawn to various faiths as I grew up. What people believed and why was always so interesting to me. Being able to walk into a new church, temple or holy place and seeing the customs, hearing the music and enjoying lessons the faiths had. I tend to gravitate towards character concepts that have faith as their foundation.
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Ghostbusters RPG With Shadowrun 3rd Edition
The New Ghost Busters - RPG using Shadowrun 3rd Edition Around 20 years ago I fell in love with a franchise I thought was dead. It was funny, it was spooky and it was wierd. I was never the same after seeing Ghostbusters for the first time. I too wanted to hold back the darkness with my wit and genius. Fighting with the heart of a lion against what goes bump in the night.
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Better Chase Scenes
Vehicle Chases Vehicle chases have always been a thorn in my side since I started playing Shadowrun. I’ve always wanted that cinematic experience of the PCs’ vehicles skittering down a road while gangers chase them, dragging chains through the streets. This has never been really successfully done. So many attempts, so many times I tried to figure out the chase TNs.
So this is my attempt to fix it so you can make chase TNs and Scenes that will make your players sit on the edge of their seat.
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VTT Icons and Resources
As we spoke about before, Covid really threw our lives when it came to game into some strangeness. We had to spin up new methods of keeping our stories alive. Though this is my least favorite of the ways to run a game. It holds itself aloft as something that can bring people together from across the world to enjoy the stories of friends who cannot gather around a table. Though in a more modern adaptation.
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Neo Anarchist's Guide to Everything Else
We have another Zine that blazed trails in the Shadowrun universe! Started by Jerry Stratton and continued by Tony Moller. This along with the Shadowrun Supplemental were among the first player published materials out there. The first issue came out in 1992 and the last in 1994.
As these are free to distribute I wanted to ensure it had a place among the archive of everything else Shadowrun had to offer for those who may have missed the boat so to speak on these wonderful publications.
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The Shadowrun Supplementals
On January 1st, 1992 we were given Shadowrun in its second form. Now revised with an attempt to bring the systems together and resolve some rules disputes, this gave us the form Shadowrun would exist in for some time. In 1997 Adam Jury rounded up some articles and put together the first Shadowrun Supplemental. This was a collection of articles written by players and Game Masters about topics they wanted to see in their games.
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Character Sheets
After doing some digging into character sheets for an up and coming game. I suddenly realize the crap shoot that was finding character sheets for Shadowrun. On one hand, it makes sense. The IP has been shared and scattered to the winds across half a dozen companies all keeping their own digital presence. On the other, we used to have things like dumpshock.org to keep us with what we needed. Nowadays, well it’s a whole different ball game.
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Digital Tools for a Better Game
As time continued forward and with the horrid times that was the panic following the COVID, we as tabletop gamers ran into some serious problems. The games that we wanted to play with our friends suddenly had to move online. Separated from our friends and unable to share a table, we turned to the tools that were made for online play. The real problem here is, most things were made for DnD.
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Matrix Example - Doc Wagon
Books Used in this article. Matrix Target: Matrix SR3 Core As we continue with these examples we are going to continue to add more complexities to these systems. In this system we are going to introduce multiple nodes. Each node itself will have its own security sheaf. Each system will be marked with a letter and its Sheaf will be added in a table next to its letter. A new rule you will need to pick up as well is that security tally carries as the decker moves between different subsystems.
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Matrix System Examples - Grid Guide
Books Used in this article. Matrix Target: Matrix SR3 Core A lot of cyberpunk revolves around crazy new technology. In almost every system imaginable, this includes some kind of virtual reality system that people have become obsessed with. Part of this is due to the escape it offers. A paradise outside of the nightmare society has wrought with shifting laws to allow for hyper capitalism. Regardless of why, it leads to characters who want to enter this world and most importantly, take on the counter cultural heroes known as Hackers, Deckers, Phreakers or the likes.
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Divided Assets Review
I know it’s been awhile folks! I’ve been busy writing Holostreets! Blood For Money and Blood on the Pavement. I am looking for people to review these in any capacity so if you are interested please reach out to me! Otherwise, lets get into Divided Assets!
Divided Assets is a Shadowrun adventure for 2nd Edition. The plot revolves around kidnapping and the ramifications of extractions on the family of those being extracted.
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Dark Angel Review
Dark Angel is a Shadowrun adventure for 2nd Edition. The plot revolves around recovering the original recordings from the Legendary Rocker, Dark Angel. Seems he killed himself (though it’s murky that anyone would set himself on fire as a way of going out) and some new kid suddenly showed up with recordings and signed contracts. This of course seems like the HOTTEST of Bull Drek that could be, because Angel swore he would never record them and sell out.
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Bottle Demon - Review and Tweaks
Overview: Bottled Demon is a Shadowrun adventure written for Shadowrun 1st Edition. The premise of the adventure revolved around a local fixer needing muscle to ensure a deal goes down nice and clean. What he has is worth some serious nuyen and he is willing to pay out a good deal of cred to make sure he is safe while finding a buyer.
This is a very magic heavy adventure with room for almost nothing else.
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Custom Shadowrun 2nd Edition Sheets for Roll20
As we continue to march forward in reclaiming our past a few people stepped up and created tools for our future. One such person is Lord Nago. He has created several pieces for a 2nd Edition Shadowrun Roll20 setup. With his permission i am making this post and hosting these files for him. Feel free to reach out to him on Reddit if you have questions or requests!
Here is his original post on Reddit: https://www.
read moreTag: Cyberpunk
Older Cyberpunk Tech Movies
I’ve always found it so interesting that so many movies out there feel like the framework for what became Shadowrun and Cyberpunk. I know the zeitgeist of the time was that technology was going to give us a world that would allow for infinite convenience and automation. That would have allowed tech to come into every aspect of our lives, from micro foods that give us all of the nutrients needed to cars that could beat traffic by flying into the sky.
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The Differences Between Cyberpunk and Shadowrun
In the vast and complex landscape of cyberpunk fiction, two prominent universes have captured the imaginations of fans worldwide: Cyberpunk and Shadowrun. While both exist within the gritty, neon-lit framework of cyberpunk, they diverge significantly in their themes, with Cyberpunk focusing on legacy, and Shadowrun focusing on the living. I hope to highlight how each universe uniquely defines the essence of its characters and the worlds they inhabit and why this matters to you and your game.
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Top Five Cyberpunk Movies
Sometimes you just need a movie to get your Cyberpunk on. What better way than to catch some of the best Cyberpunk movies out there. Anyone running Shadowrun should have at least seen these movies mentioned in order to get some insight into the minds and feelings surrounding the game as its inception. Some of these are newer movies but based on much older properties.
What is Cyberpunk? This is a question that is often asked when it comes to trying to wrap your head around the Cyberpunk Genre.
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Older Cyberpunk Tech Movies
I’ve always found it so interesting that so many movies out there feel like the framework for what became Shadowrun and Cyberpunk. I know the zeitgeist of the time was that technology was going to give us a world that would allow for infinite convenience and automation. That would have allowed tech to come into every aspect of our lives, from micro foods that give us all of the nutrients needed to cars that could beat traffic by flying into the sky.
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Top Five Cyberpunk Movies
Sometimes you just need a movie to get your Cyberpunk on. What better way than to catch some of the best Cyberpunk movies out there. Anyone running Shadowrun should have at least seen these movies mentioned in order to get some insight into the minds and feelings surrounding the game as its inception. Some of these are newer movies but based on much older properties.
What is Cyberpunk? This is a question that is often asked when it comes to trying to wrap your head around the Cyberpunk Genre.
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Older Cyberpunk Tech Movies
I’ve always found it so interesting that so many movies out there feel like the framework for what became Shadowrun and Cyberpunk. I know the zeitgeist of the time was that technology was going to give us a world that would allow for infinite convenience and automation. That would have allowed tech to come into every aspect of our lives, from micro foods that give us all of the nutrients needed to cars that could beat traffic by flying into the sky.
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What Shadowrun Edition Should I Choose
One of the most common questions we get on the various Shadowrun Subreddits is what edition is right for me and my group? Think is unfortunately always answered with the obvious “It depends”. I’m going to hopefully lay out all the information to make the choice for you and your group. Each edition has a lot to offer and gives a completely different feel to your game. Let’s see where your group falls.
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The Differences Between Cyberpunk and Shadowrun
In the vast and complex landscape of cyberpunk fiction, two prominent universes have captured the imaginations of fans worldwide: Cyberpunk and Shadowrun. While both exist within the gritty, neon-lit framework of cyberpunk, they diverge significantly in their themes, with Cyberpunk focusing on legacy, and Shadowrun focusing on the living. I hope to highlight how each universe uniquely defines the essence of its characters and the worlds they inhabit and why this matters to you and your game.
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Top Five Cyberpunk Movies
Sometimes you just need a movie to get your Cyberpunk on. What better way than to catch some of the best Cyberpunk movies out there. Anyone running Shadowrun should have at least seen these movies mentioned in order to get some insight into the minds and feelings surrounding the game as its inception. Some of these are newer movies but based on much older properties.
What is Cyberpunk? This is a question that is often asked when it comes to trying to wrap your head around the Cyberpunk Genre.
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Magical Traditions Part 3 Santeria
Books/Sites Used in this article. Magic In The Shadows SR3 Core aboutsanteria.com - Vocab For Santeria Images are used from Creative Common Licenses. As we forge ahead in new paths of magic in the world we come to another tradition that fall outside of the UCAS and CAS control for the majority of their practitioners. Yoruba in this cases. This faith has similar bone structures of Voodoo and Palo Mayombe. With powerful spirits being called to in order to effect change and offerings to be left and honor to be given.
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Magical Traditions in Your Game: Part 2
Books Used in this article. Magic In The Shadows SR3 Core As my introduction to magical traditions seems to have gathered a good deal of attention, I thought I would continue on with this. As always, if people have specific things they want covered, please send me an email, or reach out to me on Discord, and I’ll be more than happy to sit down and write something up for you.
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Magical Traditions in Your Game: Part 1
Books Used in this article. Magic In The Shadows SR3 Core I’ve always been drawn to various faiths as I grew up. What people believed and why was always so interesting to me. Being able to walk into a new church, temple or holy place and seeing the customs, hearing the music and enjoying lessons the faiths had. I tend to gravitate towards character concepts that have faith as their foundation.
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Product Review - Enhance Travel Bag 'Adventurer'
Enhance Travel Bag Adventurer
I have never written one of these product reviews, but as I understand it, this is how you make a successful blog: finding the best of the items for those who would actually use them. I thought perhaps I would start with something I use pretty often. So let’s talk about the “ENHANCE Travel Bag”
I’m one of those people who have to own the books. I get that people love PDFs, but for me there is nothing better than a new gaming book for something I am running.
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What Should I Play in Shadowrun?
Books Useful for this article. SR1 Core - PDF SR2 Core SR3 Core - PDF SR4 Core - PDF SR5 Core SR6 Core - PDF This question is more common for new players than most GMs realize. Without classes and sets of specific dynamics to choose from, some players (especially those from games like Dungeons and Dragons) have a hard time understanding what kind of character to put together and that makes character creation overall much more difficult.
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Unusual Rewards for Shadowruns
Books Used in this article. SR3 Core Mr. Johnson’s Little Black Book Shadowrun is a game about high risk and high rewards. Too often we however only see rewards of nuyen. Some Gamemasters stretch their legs and add in things like extra contacts or some exotic ammos, but when was the last time you had something like a program, spell or exotic material for resale? Each of those rewards can lead to more stories and more stories is ALWAYS better!
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Spells - Buying, Learning and Forms
Books Useful for this article. Magic In The Shadows SR3 Core Street Wyld One of the things a lot of people may overlook in Shadowrun is how spells are purchased/learned in game. I think it’s very important to understand that mages and shamans need to get access to either teachers or buying formulas. This can also be an excellent opportunity to bring in new NPCs and teachers. In most games I see a lot of people just spend the karma and poof!
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What Should I Play in Shadowrun?
Books Useful for this article. SR1 Core - PDF SR2 Core SR3 Core - PDF SR4 Core - PDF SR5 Core SR6 Core - PDF This question is more common for new players than most GMs realize. Without classes and sets of specific dynamics to choose from, some players (especially those from games like Dungeons and Dragons) have a hard time understanding what kind of character to put together and that makes character creation overall much more difficult.
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Affliation and Moving Forward
After doing a lot of thinking about this little side project of mine, I had decided I perhaps needed to begin to supplement the cost of this website/hosting for tools/investment of time. I hate to make any kind of clutter or cause anyone any strife when it comes to reading my articles, using my tools, or just generally enjoying the spirit of the reason my site exists. However, seeing the cost continue to rise, I will need to come up with something.
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Custom Shadowrun 2nd Edition Sheets for Roll20
As we continue to march forward in reclaiming our past a few people stepped up and created tools for our future. One such person is Lord Nago. He has created several pieces for a 2nd Edition Shadowrun Roll20 setup. With his permission i am making this post and hosting these files for him. Feel free to reach out to him on Reddit if you have questions or requests!
Here is his original post on Reddit: https://www.
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Shadowrun 3rd Edition - Errata
This is a scrape from the https://www.shadowrunrpg.com site for ALL of their Erratas. They seem to have kind of let this go to seed and I know a TON of people are looking for this. I take no claim for any of this, I just want to preserve it for future generations to have the corrections they might be looking for.
Shadowrun 3rd Edition Errata Version 4.1 Date: 02/28/2004
All changes are reflected in the corrected thirteenth printing of Shadowrun, Third Edition (the fourth printing by FanPro).
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Neo Anarchist's Guide to Everything Else
We have another Zine that blazed trails in the Shadowrun universe! Started by Jerry Stratton and continued by Tony Moller. This along with the Shadowrun Supplemental were among the first player published materials out there. The first issue came out in 1992 and the last in 1994.
As these are free to distribute I wanted to ensure it had a place among the archive of everything else Shadowrun had to offer for those who may have missed the boat so to speak on these wonderful publications.
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The Shadowrun Supplementals
On January 1st, 1992 we were given Shadowrun in its second form. Now revised with an attempt to bring the systems together and resolve some rules disputes, this gave us the form Shadowrun would exist in for some time. In 1997 Adam Jury rounded up some articles and put together the first Shadowrun Supplemental. This was a collection of articles written by players and Game Masters about topics they wanted to see in their games.
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Character Sheets
After doing some digging into character sheets for an up and coming game. I suddenly realize the crap shoot that was finding character sheets for Shadowrun. On one hand, it makes sense. The IP has been shared and scattered to the winds across half a dozen companies all keeping their own digital presence. On the other, we used to have things like dumpshock.org to keep us with what we needed. Nowadays, well it’s a whole different ball game.
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Decker Game
A long long time in a galaxy far far away, any kind of shadowrun content was gold. It was rare and beautiful to behold. Decker was one of those nuggets from the era. It was difficult, but getting ahead was extremely satisfying. This of course led to save scumming like never before! All of this said, it was written in an era of windows that has since passed, but just like everything these days.
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Old Sr2 Character Generator
After doing a deep dive on researching old Shadowrun Programs (and I think I’ve decided to collect them all for mirrors) I stumbled onto an SR2 Character Creator. This was great for me because if I end up going down that road of making a character creator, I now have all of the base data files to extract the data and put it into a standard format (JSON in this case).
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Data Preservation Shadowrun 3rd
After seeing various sites I used to rely on disappearing day by day, I have grown nostalgic about the various programs i had used through out the years. As I have seen new players dig for resources for them to come up empty it has sparked my own interest in tossing my hat into the ring. I of course cannot promise I will suceed in some of these plans that seeing this data has given me, but what I can promise, is getting the data into a place for it to be preserved for the future.
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Things That Need to Be Around
There are a lot of tools I used growing up and trying to learn Shadowrun. The few that always made me happiest were the ones that really gave me the fully control and customization that Shadowrun allows. People at FASA really dug into the idea that characters will want signature weapons/vehicles/spells/etc. That being a major part of who they are meant we needed that DEEP control over who and what they were.
read moreNullSheen - Tools for Shadowrun (And more)
As I continue on with this site, I stumble across all kinds of things I want archived. I hope that this archive out survives me and that we can preserve things that would once be just a figment in someones memory for those who have yet to pick up a Shadowrun book. This is all done in that effort, to make a preserved snap shot of the world as we knew it when we first began our own journeys.
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Shadowrun 3rd Edition - Errata
This is a scrape from the https://www.shadowrunrpg.com site for ALL of their Erratas. They seem to have kind of let this go to seed and I know a TON of people are looking for this. I take no claim for any of this, I just want to preserve it for future generations to have the corrections they might be looking for.
Shadowrun 3rd Edition Errata Version 4.1 Date: 02/28/2004
All changes are reflected in the corrected thirteenth printing of Shadowrun, Third Edition (the fourth printing by FanPro).
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Matrix Example - Doc Wagon
Books Used in this article. Matrix Target: Matrix SR3 Core As we continue with these examples we are going to continue to add more complexities to these systems. In this system we are going to introduce multiple nodes. Each node itself will have its own security sheaf. Each system will be marked with a letter and its Sheaf will be added in a table next to its letter. A new rule you will need to pick up as well is that security tally carries as the decker moves between different subsystems.
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Matrix System Examples - Grid Guide
Books Used in this article. Matrix Target: Matrix SR3 Core A lot of cyberpunk revolves around crazy new technology. In almost every system imaginable, this includes some kind of virtual reality system that people have become obsessed with. Part of this is due to the escape it offers. A paradise outside of the nightmare society has wrought with shifting laws to allow for hyper capitalism. Regardless of why, it leads to characters who want to enter this world and most importantly, take on the counter cultural heroes known as Hackers, Deckers, Phreakers or the likes.
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Shadowrun 3rd Edition - Matrix Security Sheaf Generator
Books Used in this article. Matrix Target: Matrix SR3 Core Awhile ago we had need for a good security generator. I know there have been quite a few, and I checked on an old one that I used to use, and the hosting was going out on it. I took a lot of the concepts and rolled them into a new React project. It goes a bit above and beyond for it most of what was there.
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Ghostbusters RPG With Shadowrun 3rd Edition
The New Ghost Busters - RPG using Shadowrun 3rd Edition Around 20 years ago I fell in love with a franchise I thought was dead. It was funny, it was spooky and it was wierd. I was never the same after seeing Ghostbusters for the first time. I too wanted to hold back the darkness with my wit and genius. Fighting with the heart of a lion against what goes bump in the night.
read moreNullSheen - Tools for Shadowrun (And more)
Software And Tools
I’ve decided to attempt to collect as much as I possibly can for various projects. I’ll keep updating this as I find more tools. Some of these may not work anymore (As most were made for Windows 3.x and 95). If anyone knows of any others, please reach out to me at Dean@ this domain! I can’t wait to hear from you.
My Tools Tool URL Edition Description Character Generator https://character-generator.
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Old Sr2 Character Generator
After doing a deep dive on researching old Shadowrun Programs (and I think I’ve decided to collect them all for mirrors) I stumbled onto an SR2 Character Creator. This was great for me because if I end up going down that road of making a character creator, I now have all of the base data files to extract the data and put it into a standard format (JSON in this case).
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Initiative Tracker
After some more requests for tools, I bring you all my initiative tracker. So far it is made for Shadowrun 2nd And 3rd Edition (With a simple toggle for each edition). Currently it is configured to instantly remove initiative as they take damage. This is how my table plays however I realize a lot of others may not. I will make a toggle in the future which will remove this feature for tables that don’t play with it.
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Shadowrun 3rd Edition - Matrix Security Sheaf Generator
Books Used in this article. Matrix Target: Matrix SR3 Core Awhile ago we had need for a good security generator. I know there have been quite a few, and I checked on an old one that I used to use, and the hosting was going out on it. I took a lot of the concepts and rolled them into a new React project. It goes a bit above and beyond for it most of what was there.
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Better Chase Scenes
Vehicle Chases Vehicle chases have always been a thorn in my side since I started playing Shadowrun. I’ve always wanted that cinematic experience of the PCs’ vehicles skittering down a road while gangers chase them, dragging chains through the streets. This has never been really successfully done. So many attempts, so many times I tried to figure out the chase TNs.
So this is my attempt to fix it so you can make chase TNs and Scenes that will make your players sit on the edge of their seat.
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How to be a Decker including Dumb Matrix Tricks
Books Used in this article. Matrix Target: Matrix SR3 Core When you have a decker in the group, a lot of people miss some golden opportunities. Deckers can add great resources outside of opening security doors and stopping poison gas from geeking your team. Part of it is realizing how much cyber crime your decker can do for you. This usually comes in the form of a few common decking activites.
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How to be a Decker including Dumb Matrix Tricks
Books Used in this article. Matrix Target: Matrix SR3 Core When you have a decker in the group, a lot of people miss some golden opportunities. Deckers can add great resources outside of opening security doors and stopping poison gas from geeking your team. Part of it is realizing how much cyber crime your decker can do for you. This usually comes in the form of a few common decking activites.
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Lonestar Adventure - Coding
Books Useful for this article. SR2 Core Lone Star This post uses my Lonestar Campaign Setting found here.
Adventure Title: Coding
Adventure Type: Cyber Crime
Setting: Seattle, 2075
Plot Overview:
The group of officers arrive on scene of a catastrophic traffic accident (Go Gang related attack with civilians caught in the crossfire). The EMTs arrive after the officers give what aid they can. One of the victims has an incredibly rare blood type and is an organ donor (this rare type is resistant to organ growth, so vat grown organs are off the table) and needs to be rushed to the nearest hospital (with police escort).
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Lonestar Adventure - Blood for Money
Books Useful for this article. SR2 Core Lone Star This post uses my Lonestar Campaign Setting found here.
Adventure Title: Blood for Money
Adventure Type: Kidnapping
Setting: Seattle, 2075
Plot Overview: Brendon Evers thinks he has a perfect plan to finally get out from under his parents thumb. However his two friends (Eddy and Simon) let slip to their more dangerous street friend Kyle, who has an idea to make everyone rich (except Brendon of course, he will be dead).
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Lonestar Game
Adventures using this setting Blood For Money Coding Lone Star Campaign For a long time i’ve had a desire to run a Lone Star game. I’ve always been a huge fan of police procedural’s on TV and I thought i’d take a stab a writing a small campaign for it. I then had the idea of releasing these as episodic posts someone might be able to use for their own campaign.
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