Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Adventure”
Lonestar Adventure - Coding
Books Useful for this article.
This post uses my Lonestar Campaign Setting found here.
Adventure Title: Coding
Adventure Type: Cyber Crime
Setting: Seattle, 2075
Plot Overview:
The group of officers arrive on scene of a catastrophic traffic accident (Go Gang related attack with civilians caught in the crossfire). The EMTs arrive after the officers give what aid they can. One of the victims has an incredibly rare blood type and is an organ donor (this rare type is resistant to organ growth, so vat grown organs are off the table) and needs to be rushed to the nearest hospital (with police escort). Another group of officers is called to give a police escort to a family who’s in desperate need of that heart.
Lonestar Adventure - Blood for Money
Books Useful for this article.
This post uses my Lonestar Campaign Setting found here.
Adventure Title: Blood for Money
Adventure Type: Kidnapping
Setting: Seattle, 2075
Plot Overview: Brendon Evers thinks he has a perfect plan to finally get out from under his parents thumb. However his two friends (Eddy and Simon) let slip to their more dangerous street friend Kyle, who has an idea to make everyone rich (except Brendon of course, he will be dead).
Lonestar Game
Adventures using this setting
Lone Star Campaign
For a long time i’ve had a desire to run a Lone Star game. I’ve always been a huge fan of police procedural’s on TV and I thought i’d take a stab a writing a small campaign for it. I then had the idea of releasing these as episodic posts someone might be able to use for their own campaign.